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Wedding Arch: Product

Solemnisation Table Styling

For long table styling:

Inclusive of
1) Table cloth & skirting 
2) Couple Chair Signage with florals 
3) 3 x Posy for Witnesses & JP
4) Props on Table ( Feather Pen & Ring Holder Included)

For Cocktail Table Styling

Inclusive of 
1) Cocktail Table & Table Cloth
2) Floral Arrangement as seen
3) Props on Table ( Feather Pen & Ring Holder Included)


Wedding Arch: Product

Design A

Design D.jpg

Design D

Design G_edited.jpg

Design G

Design I Solemnisation Table Deco by jcr

Design I

* please note that the black boards are not included

Deisgn M_edited.jpg

Design M

Solemn table styling by jcraft

Modern Oriental

Jcraftyourevents_Solemnisation Table Sty

Design C

Design E.jpg

Design E

please note that the acrylic vows are not included.

Design H_Image Courtesy of Letch & Venue by Andri Tei_edited.jpg

Design H

Image Courtesy of Gao Wei & Joseleen by Leslie Photography.jpg

Design J

*Jcraftyourevents_Design n.jpg

Design N

Cocktail Table

Cocktail Table Styling


Celebrating Since 2017

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